Etiquette. Why it should.
The word etiquette comes from the time of the French King Louis XIV, who was very fond of ostentation. Not only his clothing was to say at the least opulent. Also the gardens of his palace at Versailles had to exude grace and grandeur. Perhaps you have been there.
Because the king’s guests, while strolling through the gardens, regularly walked off the path, Louis placed signs with the commandment not to step on the grass. Such a sign is called in French: ‘etiquette’.
Etiquette of today. Why anyhow?
Just as we have traffic rules to manage the daily traffic in good and safe ways. Also etiquette gives social rules of conduct to keep the human interaction organized and enjoyable.
They give a guidance. If you receive an invitation with the dress code black tie, it’s good to know how you and your partner need to dress for that specific occasion.
In that way it will prevent that you and your hosts come in an uncomfortable position, in case you forgot to check the dress code on the invitation.
If the hosts adhere to the etiquette, they will receive you with respect, whatever you are wearing.
That’s what the basic of etiquette is about: a respectful relationship with each other, without value judgments.
Robert Bosma has specialized himself in the world of etiquette. He gives lectures, trainings and master classes on this topic. For example:
- in daily life
- in how to dress
- at the table
- in business
- internationally
Robert also will tell you about the history behind certain etiquette rules. Some rules even go back to the Middle Ages.
Are you regular in (business) contacts with others, then it is advisable to be aware of the most important etiquette rules.
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